Worship Times: Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00, Community Groups at 9:45 |  Get Directions »  Watch Live »

As we announced in the Spring, we are excited about expanding our facility to primarily accommodate the growth of our kids and youth ministries where we have the privilege of ministering to around 750 children and youth on a regular basis.  After months of praying and preparing, we have now broken ground!

We are encouraged that so far over $4.5 million of the $5.7 million cost has been pledged. We are asking all families that call MBCC home to partner with us to raise the additional amount. Whether you are able to give $1 a month or $100 a month we ask you to prayerfully consider how God wants you to join us.

Please watch the video below and then click the orange box to submit your pledge .  Scroll down to read more about the new addition and see floor plans and renderings.

How to give? Have you made your pledge by clicking the box above or filling out a pledge card and are now wondering how to give? You can give to the building fund any of the ways that you regularly give to MBCC (check, online, bank draft, etc).  When giving, please be sure to include “building fund” in the memo line of checks or select this option when giving online.  You can pay off your pledge however you prefer whether it be monthly, annually, or whatever works for you.  We ask that all pledges be paid in full by the end of 2024.  Click here to give online.

Our Needs

  • Our Kids’ Ministry has over 50 kids per elementary grade level (PreK-5th grade) and represents 21 different elementary schools.
  • We need more classrooms to enable us to divide the kids into smaller groups of students as well as have a designated space for our 4th and 5th grade students.

Our Solution

  • This new addition will provide more rooms for kids ministry.
  • This will also allow us to launch a new 4th and 5th grade ministry, Root 45, by giving them a place they can call their own.

Our Needs

  • The Youth Ministry (6th-12th grades) has tripled in size over the last 5 years.
  • Our Youth Ministry has recently divided into middle school and high school specific ministries thus creating a need for more space.
  • The ministry needs separate spaces for play, fellowship, discipleship and worship.

Our Solution

  • This youth wing creates a new worship room with seating for 200 students.
  • It provides a new kitchen and fellowship area along with direct access to the gym and an outdoor gathering space with large garage doors.

Our Needs

  • Community Groups are critical to the life of our church
  • In the last 10 years, we have tripled the number of people who are actively involved in our Community Groups.

Our Solution

  • This new addition will create 4 new Community Group rooms with larger capacities to accommodate growth.
  • It will provide a new fellowship area with better flow between existing and new rooms.

Please click on the thumbnail images below to enlarge.







Is this the best option?

The pastors and elders of MBCC remain committed to our mission of developing fully devoted followers of Christ who love God and love others.  After months of discussion and prayer, our leadership believes that this new addition and renovation of the gym is the best option and the most effective tool for us to continue pursuing our mission as a church family.


What will the new construction cost, and how will we pay for this?

The total construction cost estimate is $5.7 million? (which includes equipment, furnishings and other related costs).  We genuinely desire to be good stewards of the property that God has given us for ministry and of our financial resources.  Our goal is that 100% of the cost of this project will be raised through 4 year pledges from our church family.  As of May 2021, the church currently has zero debt, and we hope to have this short-term debt for the new addition paid off at the end of the 4 year pledge period.


What is the timeline for new construction?

We anticipate 9-10 months of construction, and we plan to break ground in November 2021.  There will obviously be some inconveniences that we will experience during this period, but we are committed to continuing to use our current facility, with the exception of the gym, for ministry during the construction period.


Will our ministries or our local or global mission partners suffer because we are spending such a large amount on construction?

Our pastors and elders are committed to continuing to grow our ministries and our partnerships in missions, and the construction should not adversely affect this process.  Our prayer is that once completed, these new facilities will be a tool that will have a long-term positive effect on our ministries and mission partnerships.


What are you asking me to do?

We are asking everyone to take time to understand our facility needs, to consider the benefits of this new addition and to pray about how God is leading you to participate in this project.  A sacrificial commitment, over and above regular giving, is a huge decision for each family in our church. 

The campaign goal of $5.7 million may seem like a daunting amount to us individually, but if we, the hundreds of families who attend MBCC, are willing to commit together as a church family, this goal is very attainable.  We desire the Holy Spirit to clearly lead each of us in the amount that we pledge. 


Giving Info

After reading through this page of the website, the brochure you received in the mail, and spending time in prayer, we invite you to consider your response and make a financial commitment. 

Please click the button below to submit your commitment online.  We encourage everyone to submit their commitment online, but you may also turn in one of the pledge cards

If you have further questions, please contact: Scot Cardwell, Church Administrator, at scotc@mbcc.us.

Worship Times:  Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am, Community Groups at 9:45 am. 

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