Tuesday, July 16, 2024

4:00-9:00 pm

Registration is now closed!  Thank you!

4:00 pm    Refreshers and Light Bites
4:45 pm    Worship and Message
6:00 pm    Breakout Session 1
7:00 pm    Dinner and Fellowship
7:30 pm    Breakout Session 2
8:30 pm    Dessert Buffet and Iced Coffee Bar
$29 per ticket 
In addition to refreshers, appetizers, a dessert buffet, and an iced coffee bar, we are providing dinner from Chopt Creative Salad Co.  You will have the option to select one of the following options during registration:
  • Kale Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken: Grilled chicken, aged parmesan, artisan croutons, kale, romaine
  • Classic Cobb Salad: Grilled Chicken, avocado, all-natural smoked bacon, cage-free egg, blue cheese, grape tomatoes, romaine
  • Sweet Apple Orchard Salad: Seasonal apples, dried cranberries, goat cheese, roasted almonds, romaine and Chopt lettuce blend
  • Crispy Chicken Ranch Salad: Panko fried chicken, pepper jack cheese, corn, grape tomatoes, pickled red onions, carrots, romaine
Breakout Sessions:
During registration, you will have the opportunity to select two of the following breakout sessions to attend.
The Lost Art of Blessing
We all have a deep ache to be blessed by God and to be a blessing. Based on Tina Boesch’s book Given: The Forgotten Meaning and Practice of Blessing, this session will trace the theme of blessing through key passages from Genesis to Revelation. We’ll consider the meaning of Genesis 12, a blessing God authored, and be encouraged to craft and incorporate blessings into our everyday life.
Echoes of Truth: Why the Words We Tell Ourselves Matter
American author Robert Collier wrote, “Constant repetition carries conviction.” If our inner thoughts and beliefs play a role in shaping our lives, it’s worth asking whether we’re speaking truth to ourselves on a daily basis. And if not, how do we begin? This discussion will unpack practical ways to nurture a mindset grounded in truth.
Savoring Simplicity: Finding Contentment in a Culture of More
Everyday, we’re inundated with images and messages of things we must have, must do, or must be. How do we distinguish between what’s beneficial, harmful, or just excessive? In a culture that values materialism and money, is it possible to be content with what we have? This session will encourage and equip us to embrace the reality that Jesus is enough.
Wrinkles of Wisdom: Redefining Aging in a Youth-obsessed World
Time doesn’t slow down, and every passing year brings physical changes that are difficult to embrace in a culture that clings to youthfulness. From anti-aging creams and hair dyes to botox and cosmetic surgeries, we engage in a constant battle against aging as if it’s the ultimate enemy. And yet, according to Scripture, gray hair is likened to a crown of glory, and wisdom is touted as a benefit of growing older. Join us as we explore a biblical perspective of aging and how we can face the years (and the mirror!) without fear.
When Faith Wavers: Hope and Guidance for the Doubting and Deconstructing
Discrepancies between what the Bible says and what some Christians or churches do have led many to wrestle with doubt and even deconstruct their faith. In the midst of uncertainty, how can followers of Jesus extend support to those navigating this challenging journey? And is there such a thing as healthy deconstruction? Join us as we explore avenues and resources for finding comfort and clarity when plagued by doubt.
The Emotional Life of a Teen: Understanding Adolescent Mental Health 
We’re living through a teen mental illness epidemic, as adolescents self-report record levels of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety. And teens growing up in Christian homes aren’t immune to this epidemic. In this session, we’ll talk about some root issues, social media/social stressors, and stressors that come straight from their homes/schools.
Loving My LGBTQ+ Neighbor
Many of us struggle with knowing how to extend love and grace to the LGBTQ+ community without compromising our biblical convictions. When a student in your child’s class begins a gender transition, a colleague asks everyone to refer to her by male pronouns, or a relative comes out as gay, what does a loving response look like? In this breakout, we’ll consider how we can move toward our neighbors who identify as LGBTQ+ with Christ-like love.
The Second Half: Finding Purpose When Your Job is Done
For those who have recently retired, become empty nesters, or had a life change that affects the daily schedule, it can seem unsettling to think of your “job” as being done. On the flip side, you may be elated to have so much free time on your hands. Interestingly, retirement is not a Biblical concept, therefore the “job” God intends for you may look entirely different during this new season of life. This session will address embracing your new job or role, finding purpose, and building community for a vibrant “second half.”
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