Summer Worship Times: Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am, Community Group Electives at 9:45 am |  Get Directions »  Watch Live »

Faith Culture

What is the Faith Culture Initiative?

We gather here in this place, but then, we go and we live.  We live in a real world, with real complexities, real issues, and real problems.  As Christians, we are called to engage this world, to make our faith congruent with our actual life…in our homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods, to love our neighbors, to be the presence of Christ, to articulate and embody the gospel in these places.  Imagine feeling equipped for this task.  Imagine developing a healthy theological framework for how to think about the contemporary issues of our day.  This is the role of the Faith Culture Initiative at MBCC.

From 2015-2018, we hosted several Faith Culture Forums at MBCC.  Please scroll town to access the video and/or audio of these forums. 

November 4, 2018: The Gospel in the Age of Technology

November 12, 2017: Finding Joy in Our (Happy) Culture
How do we cultivate deep joy in the midst of a culture that manufactures happiness as a cheap substitute?  What is the difference between the two?  How do issues like depression, anxiety, consumerism or strained family relationships impact our experience of joy?  What role does the church play in all of this and how can our faith guide us toward deep joy.

May 7, 2017: Hospitality for the Common Good
We live in a culture that is lonely, anxious, and polarizing.  We need to understand this issue culturally but we also need to be equipped for it biblically.  As the local church, we need to ask a timely and ancient question: how does our friendship with God compel us to befriend our neighbor?

March 12, 2017:  The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation
There is probably no topic more needed and yet more difficult to address in our cultural moment than race.  However, as the Body of Christ, the gospel compels us and provides a way for this conversation to fruitfully take place.   The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation panel included  Tim Kallam, pastor of MBCC, along with Thomas Wilder, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, and Ben Sciacca, Executive Director of Restoration Academy.

November 6, 2016: God’s Vision for the Church to Engage the World
What is God’s vision for the church to engage the world?  How are we to respond to the vast complexity of issues in our culture today and that are facing our children?  How are we to be equipped for this task?  How are we to equip our families for this task?  How are we to be conversant with our neighbors, friends, and coworkers?  Ben Telfair will lead us as we begin to explore these questions and develop a healthy biblical and theological framework for how to thoughtfully engage the contemporary issues of the day as the people of God.  **Click here to read The Thoughtful Christian by David Dockery.**

Faith Culture - November 6, 2016: God’s Vision for the Church to Engage the World

by Tim Kallam & Ben Telfair

February 28, 2016: The Crescent and The Cross: Thinking Theologically about Islam
Joel Busby walked us through a basic theological framework for understanding Islam and a Muslim worldview in light of the historic Christian faith.


Faith Culture - February 28, 2016: The Crescent and The Cross: Thinking Theologically about Islam

by Joel Busby

November 1, 2015: Faith & Politics
Joel Busby helped attendees with a basic biblical and theological framework for how to approach and think as Christians about politics.


Faith Culture - November 1, 2015: Faith & Politics

by Joel Busby

April 12, 2015: Faith & Sexuality
Tim Kallam and Joel Busby talked through a basic framework to help our church body think about sexuality in light of culture.


Faith Culture - April 12, 2015: Faith & Sexuality

by Joel Busby

Summer Worship Times:  Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am, Community Group Electives at 9:45 am


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