Worship Times: Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00, Community Groups at 9:45 |  Get Directions »  Watch Live »


The mission of MBCC’s Women’s Ministry is to provide encouragement, community, Biblical truth, and resources to help women navigate their various roles and life challenges with a gospel-centered perspective and a heart that desires to follow Christ. 

Women’s Beach Retreat

April 24-27, 2025
San Destin, Florida

Join us as we rest, relax, and refresh together at the BEACH! This is a wonderful opportunity to grow deeper in your faith, spend time with friends, and connect with other women. 

Women’s Mission Serve Days

Throughout the year, we periodically gather to serve with one of our church’s mission partners. Please register below so we can let the mission partners know how many people to expect.  We have specifically requested projects that women of any age or ability can participate in.  

Tuesday, February 18th: 9:00-11:00 am: Christian Service Mission (*Please note date change, it is on Tuesday, Feb. 18)
Tuesday, March 18th: 9:00-11:00 am: Sav-A-Life, Vestavia

Childcare is available at the church for ages 4 and under. Childcare space is limited, so sign up today!

Women’s Spring Brunch

Ladies, gather with us on Tuesday, March 11th at 11:00 am in the MBCC Fellowship Hall for brunch, fellowship, and a message.  Please register below by Friday, March 7th. 

Women’s Bible Studies

We are excited to launch new Bible studies this winter/spring  All studies will meet at the church unless otherwise noted. 

Childcare is available for children 4 and under for the morning studies. Registration will carry over from the fall.  If not previously registered for a particular study, please register children by January 6th.  See the options below, and click the orange box to register.

Bible Study Options - Click + to Expand

9:30 am
Ezra and Nehemiah

Led by Barbara Nevins, Room 5
January 13-March 17
(12-week study with weekly homework)
Please click here to purchase the workbook

9:30 am
1-2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World

Led by Michelle Long, FH1
January 14-March 18
(Weekly homework)

9:30 am
Faith in Focus Book Study 
The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch
Led by Kelley Brown, Room 5
January 14, 21, 28
(Book reading)

9:30 am
Hidden Treasures: Discovering the Meaning in Jesus’ Parables

Led by Kelley Brown, Room 5
February 4, 11, 18, 25
(No outside work)

6:30 pm
Unopened Gifts: The Riches that are Ours in and Through Christ

Led by Jane Hall, 6:30 pm, FH1
January 14, 21, 28
(No outside work)

6:30 pm
The Lamb Slain from Before the Foundation of the World

Led by Jane Hall, 6:30 pm, FH1
March 4-April 22
(Weekly scripture reading)

9:30 am
Unopened Gifts: The Riches that are Ours in and Through Christ

Led by Jane Hall, 6:30 pm, FH1
January 15, 22, 29
(No outside work)

9:30 am
The Lamb Slain from Before the Foundation of the World

Led by Jane Hall, 6:30 pm, FH1
March 5-April 23
(Weekly scripture reading)

10:30 am
The Book of Acts

Led by Kay Gresham, Foyer Room
Jan 8-ongoing
(No outside work; just show up and soak it in)

9:30 am
Seen by Christ: Encounters with Jesus in the Gospels
Led by Meredith Telfair, Room 5
January 16-March 20
(Optional weekly reading)

The Collective

The Collective is a multi-generational gathering geared toward women who are single, widowed, or divorced and looking for more ways to connect, support, and encourage one another. The Collective will start back up on January 27th with weekly gatherings on Monday nights at 6:30 pm. These meetings offer women the opportunity to share a meal, pray, and hear truth from God’s Word. The last meeting of the Winter/Spring semester will be April 28th. If you’re interested in receiving communication about plans, meetings, and social outings, please sign up online.

NEW! Equipped Moms 

Moms of newborns through elementary school kids, join us for a monthly time of encouragement and equipping. We will meet on the first Monday of each month (the second Monday for September) to hear from other moms at MBCC and walk away with practical tips we
can apply right away! Topics will include: praying scripture for your children, family discipleship, navigating technology, prioritizing marriage, and more. Childcare will be available for nursery aged kids, but your spot must be reserved! 

Meeting Dates: Mondays from 9:15-11:15 am
September 9
October 7
November 4
December 2
January 6
February 3
March 3
April 7
May 5


There’s nothing that bonds women together quite like consistently diving into God’s Word as a group over an extended period of time. A discipleship group (D-group) consists of 5-8 participants who commit to meeting together weekly for 18-24 months for the purpose of spiritual growth and replication. Following the daily Bible reading plan in the book Foundations, they read Scripture, journal their impressions, and then meet to discuss. Upon completion of the book, each participant prayerfully considers launching her own D-group.

If you are interested in registering for a discipleship group, please fill out the info below, and we will be in touch when a new D-group is launched. 


Do you ever wish someone would just tell you exactly what you need to do? Well…that’s not actually what a mentor does. But it sure does help to hear from an older, wiser woman who can encourage us in the season and situations we face.

Based on Titus 2:3-5, mentoring is a ministry that benefits women of all ages. An older woman invests in the the life of a younger woman through listening, guidance, prayer, encouragement, laughter, and good company. Mentors meet with their mentee at least once per month and maintain weekly contact via text, phone calls, email, etc. The meeting format is informal and flexible, ranging from coffee dates or
meals out to visiting in each other’s homes to simply running errands together. Mentors will be provided with a training session, as well as with monthly discussion questions to help facilitate conversation and spiritual encouragement with their mentees.

While a mentor is expected to pursue and reflect Jesus, she is simply one who has gone before us and can offer insight and wisdom from her life experience thus far. No one is too young, too old, or too inexperienced to be a mentor! If you’re interested in being a mentor, mentee, or both, please fill out the info below.  We will be in contact the next time we pair mentors/mentees. 

Support of Infertility and Pregnancy Loss

Are you walking the painful journey of infertility? Battling the grief of miscarriages, infant loss, unanswered questions? If you’re looking for encouragement, healing, and a community of women who understand the path you’re on, our local mission partner CARRYWELL offers biblically-rooted resources, studies, small groups, and even scholarships for counseling and medical treatments.  Complete the form below if you would like to get connected or receive more information about CARRYWELL or if you would like to be a part of an infertility support group. 

Side by Side Care Ministry

We are honored that you desire to meet and share with one of our Lay Counselors or Care Contacts.  Please complete the initial assessment form below and indicate whether you wish to meet with a lay counselor or connect with a woman who has walked through the same challenges or issues you’re currently facing (a Care Contact). A member of the Care Team will contact you within 48-72 hours and direct you to the next step. 

Side by Side Info - Click + to Expand

What We Are
MBCC’s Side by Side Care Ministry is designed to provide one-on-one short-term care and encouragement to women who are members of Mountain Brook Community Church and are navigating a new or difficult season of life. In a safe and confidential environment, our lay counselors offer prayer, a listening ear, biblical insight and guidance to lead counselees toward resolution, healing or positive change. Our Care Contacts offer support and encouragement for women walking through similar experiences. 

LAY COUNSELING: Our lay counseling ministry particularly aims to serve the woman who may not seek pastoral or professional counseling, whether it be due to her preference of opening up to a woman or because she considers her struggle too embarrassing, private, or even insignificant. We’re committed to walking alongside one another and helping you resolve the challenges you’re facing. Our lay counselors have been trained by the Biblical Counseling Center and can address a range of issues including anger, depression, anxiety, fear, guilt and shame, marital conflict, family or relational tensions, parenting struggles, spiritual concerns, addictions, and more. 

Please note that we do not provide professional or long-term counseling. We meet with individuals for up to five sessions (in a calendar year) and then help them make connections and establish a support system for continued care if necessary or desired. If this time frame or approach does not seem adequate for your needs, we can refer you to a qualified Christian counselor.

CARE CONTACTS: The Side by Side Care Ministry also aims to connect women in our church family who simply desire to talk with someone who has endured similar circumstances or challenges. Care Contacts are women within the church who volunteer to talk with a woman in the midst of a trial or challenge that the Care Contact previously experienced and for which she can provide some insight and encouragement. Examples include infertility, miscarriages, body issues, betrayal, financial strain, discontentment, adjustment to marriage or to motherhood, disease or cancer diagnosis, caring for aging parents, etc. A woman may seek both lay counseling and a Care Contact at the same time.

What We Are Not
Lay counseling should not be substituted for professional therapy or counseling. We do not perform psychiatric evaluations, make diagnoses, or prescribe medication. Our lay counselors are not licensed therapists but rather volunteers who are well-trained to address many situations and life challenges from a biblical perspective. Please note that there are some counseling situations that are beyond our training. When this is the case, professional counseling will be recommended. Please click here to read our full Lay Counseling Policies

If you would like to meet with a lay counselor or care contact, please click the box below to complete our initial assessment, and we will be in touch soon.  Thank you. 

Becoming a Care Contact - Click + to Expand

Becoming a Care Contact
Our Care Contacts offer support and encouragement for women walking through a trial or challenge they’ve previously experienced. This is done in an informal manner, and it does not commit Care Contacts to long-term mentoring. 

If you are open to discussing your own experiences with someone in order to provide perspective, insight, support, and encouragement, please complete and submit the form below. Examples of topics include infertility, miscarriage, body issues, betrayal, financial strain, discontentment, adjustment to marriage or to motherhood, disease or cancer diagnosis, caring for aging parents, etc.  By submitting this form, you are not committing to meet with anyone or to discuss a particular topic marked below. Our Care Team will always consult a potential Care Contact before matching her with anyone. We realize that availability and even emotional capacity to share can vary from season to season.  

Worship Times:  Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am, Community Groups at 9:45 am. 

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